List of Tamil words in Ateso language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Ateso language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Ateso (natively Ateso) is an Eastern Nilotic language spoken by the Iteso people of Uganda and Kenya. It is part of the Teso–Turkana language cluster.
According to the 2002 Uganda population and housing census, over 1.57 million people in Uganda (6.7 percent of the total Uganda population) spoke Ateso. Also, an estimated 279,000 people in Kenya speak the language. Its SIL code is TEO.
Ateso is spoken in the Teso sub-region.

Clues to read Ateso words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Letter ‘m’ and ‘n’ can be added or deleted.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted/ added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once it has to be read only once.
If we jumble the letters of the given Ateso word a Tamil word can be arrived.
A Handbook of the Ateso language by Ven. Archdeakon A.L.Kitching ,M.A.
English- Ateso- Tamil
*1. back of house- agule- kollai
*2. flood- akalele- kaluzhi
*3. torch- akalas- kolli
*4. wood- akitoi- kattai
*5.ear-akit- kaathu
*6. rain- akiru- kaar
7.word- akirot- koottru ; letters are jumbled.
*8.cup- akoli- kalan / cup / bowel
*9.sun- akolon – uchchi kizhaan ; uchchi- top.
*10.eye- akon- kann
11.spring of water- akon- kaeni / a well
*12. knee- akun-kanu
13.sharpened sticks for digging holes -akutar- koor udaiya kattai ; koormai- sharp; udaiya- has; kattai- stick.
14.opening- apedot- oaattai
*15. picture- aputo- padam say- bala- sollu ; root word is oli/ sound; mozhi- say/ language.
* strike- da- adi
* feed- dak- uoottuka
* -dak- thueikka lift- dakari- thookkuthar pluck- de- aainthidu
* dono- thunnu
* pick out- doto –eduththida
* serve out food- dut- theetai idu ; theettai- food; idu- give.
25.throb- dus- thudiththida
* have coitus- dura- yaeththuthar/ mounting; yaeridu/ mount; letters are in reversed order. build- duko-kattu; letters are in reversed order. swim- du –neenthu cut- duno- thundi
*30. remote hamlet- ebot- patti/ village
31.large basket- ebukit- koodai/ basket
*32. relish with food- edia- thuei
*33. seed- ecokat- kottai
34.grain- ecokat- koathu ecoget-kattai
36.door keeper- ekagolan- vaayil kaavalan; vaayil- door; kaavalan- guard; ka- va; va= ka.
*37. bundle- ekesit- kattu
*38. thief- ekokolan- kalvan ; ka- va; va= ka.
*39. crowd- ekodet- koottam
*40. jungle- ekitwi –kaadu
41.hill- emoru –maeru eon- naan
*43. back- epura- puram
*44. village- ere- uoor
45.path- eroto- theru /street; letters are in reversed order.
46.heart- etao- ithayam etimat- mandai mudi; letters are jumbled; mandai- head;mudi- hair.
*48. deceit- etute- yaeiththidu
*49. temple- eyekalu- koil
*50. write on- giru – keeru
* cut- ger- keeru support- ganit –thaankku; letters are in reversed order.
* sharpen- it- theettu kane- inkae; letters are in reversed order.
* pluck- kede- koeithidu
*56. black- kiryonon- karumaiyaana look for- kot- noakkidu
*58. near-kodye- kitta
59.on shore- koitolima- kadal munn ; kadal- sea; munn- sand.
* blow- kuto- kuththu dig up- kutuni- konthu ; letters are jumbled.
*62. maternal uncle- mamayi- mama
* marry- man, aki –manakka
* over change- modo- maaththu /to change put on- nap- punaiya; letters are in reversed order.
*66. what- no- enna
*67. wish for- nata- naeda ; naada .
*68. husband- okilen- kozhu nan; kizhaan ; kizhavan; ka= va; va= ka.
69.big- peti- peththa
70.kick- pet- poattu uthai ; uthai- kick .
* fly off- porori- para
* bore/ pierce- pede- poththidu
*73. father- papa- appa
74.desire- puda- petpu
* grind- riare- arai
*76. grandparent- tata- thaaththa/ grandfather. put up / fix screen- terari- thirai iduthar; thirai- screen. be new- tetet- puthiyathu
79.naked- titai- aadai uduththaathu ;aadai- dress; udhththu- to wear ;uduththaathu- not wearing.
* touch- tirori-thoduthar
81.mother- toto- thaai ; peththa thaai; peththidu – beget
* beat- totwa- thattu
* write- wadika- vattikka
84.three- uni- moonu
*85. equal to- tya-oththa
* grieve- turu uru- thuyar ura
* beat floor- tut- adiththidu/ beat
* tie- yen- inai
89.account of – kanuka- kanakkaa; kanakku- account.
*90.acute- kadeden an- kaduthiyaana /acutely
*91.add- akiyatakini –koottuka
*92.ask for- akilip- kaelu
*93. fall asleep- ajotori- saaithar/ repose
*94. await- akidar- kaaththiduthar
*95. bathe- akilon- kuli
*96. beat- akida- kottu
* careful – acowuni- kavanam
*98. castrate- akidon- kaai adiththidanum ;kaai- testis; adi- beat.
99.father-in-law- emuran- maamanaar ; letters are jumbled.
*100.fault- akirot- kurai udaiya; kurai- fault; udaiya- has.
* feed- aitanam- uoottanum
*102.forget- amurwokini- marakka vaenum; letters are jumbled; marakka- to forget.
*103.gather- akiden – koottanum
*104.gargle- aikororo- kaaru
105.hook- ekode- kokki idu/ to hook; kokki- hook.
*106.hut- akai- akam/ house
*107. increase- akiyatakini- koottuka
108.Juice- akile- kooozh
*109.marry- amana – manam/ marriage
110. log- akitoi- kattai
111. market- akatale- kadai thidal ; kadai- shop; thidal- field.
*112. meat- akirin- kari uoon; kari- meat; uoon- food.
*113.nation- ituna- thinai / land/ country; dunya .
114.make noise- aicela- oaasai ulla/ noisy; oaasai- noise;ulla- has.
*115.pare- akikul- kalai
*116.pass- akitoro- kadaththar
* peck- akitodo- koththu
* pile up- aitukonokini- adukkidanum ; letters are jumbled.
*119.pool- amatot- madu
*120.prevent- atikokini- thadukkanum
*121.preserve- akidara- kaaththiduthar make a profit- aitobon- payan adaiya ; letters are jumbled; payan- use; adaiya- to have.
*123.ripe- kakonon- kaniya
* akitajara- kaaththiduthar
*125.stop- atikokini- thadukkanum
126. suddenly- atipet- thidu thiduppunnu
*127.string- auno- naan
128.taboo-etale- thadai idal; thadai- obstruction.
* akiyala- kuyilu
*131.wash-akilot-kazhuvidu; ka= va; va= ka.
*132.waste away-akwadara-kaedu ura
*134.wonder-awumokini-viyakkanum; letters are jumbled; wonder[E] viyanthiduthar. akki ;ukkam .
136.pot-amoti- mat paandam
*137.gone- aaiboka- poaka
138.bone- etogo- sttakam / skeleton
*139.a dwarf- ekweter- kuttai uru ; kuttai- short; uru- form
140.a heel- atitibat- adi paatham; paatha adi; adi- foot/ undr; paatham-foot.
141.this way-luwayi- iv vazhi ; ivu- this ;vazhi- way; letters are in reversed order.